Mavericks beat writer Eddie Sefko answered your questions in his weekly
e-mail newsletter - Inside the Dallas Mavericks. Here are some highlights.

Ryan K., Dallas asks ... I am sick and tired of watching J.J. Barea dribble
at the top of the key until the shot clock reaches 10 or below. It's no
wonder our team struggles to hold leads when the reserves come into the game.
What is it going to take to play up tempo, and avoid the half court,
grind-it-out style? That is not our bread and butter since we do not have a
creator/penetrator since Devin Harris left. Thoughts?




SEFKO: I'll forewarn you that you won't like this answer.

J.J. Barea is the only Maverick who will consistently put pressure on the
interior of a defense by driving to the bucket.


That makes him a valuable asset in my book.


True, he does have a tendency to pound the ball into the hardwood sometimes.
But that's part of the deal. He's averaged five assists per game in December
and the Mavericks have done OK when he's on the court.


The only real negative is the fact that Barea's 3-ball is terrible right now.
That should change, gauging by his career numbers. There's no way he will
continue to shoot 14 percent from beyond the arc.



Barea draws more charges than any other Maverick and he's pretty quick. If he
was four inches taller, he'd be a starter on every team in the league.


It would be great to see Barea leading the break all the time. But that's not
going to happen. He does it differently than Jason Kidd when the Mavericks
get into the half court. But that doesn't mean it can't work.

如果能看到JJB帶起半場進攻會是很棒的一件事,但是這不會發生。他打法跟Jason Kidd


Perry, Southlake asks ... Even with the team off to a pretty good start, does
it seem the fan base is in a wait-and-see position? And is the team aware of
that possibility?


SEFKO: A couple of things about your question before I answer it. "Pretty
good?" I'd hate to see what you'd call a record of 15-9. Modest? Mediocre?
The Mavericks are 19-5, and I'd hazard a guess that nobody figured they were
going to start the season on that sort of a run. I know I didn't.

Also, if you're judging on what you see on TV, you're probably only seeing
patches of empty seats in the lower deck. Most of those seats are already
sold. If the big shots that own them choose not to show up, it doesn't look
great, but it doesn't cost the Mavericks anything since they already have
that season-ticket money in the bank.




But back to your question. Yes and Yes. Those are the answers. Fans have
every right to be cautious with their optimism and their hard-earned bucks.
If I was a fan, I'd be more inclined to go to the local sports bar, have some
reasonably priced pub food and some even more reasonably priced cold beers
while watching the first half. Then I'd head home and watch the second half
at home and be able to hit the crib soon after the final buzzer.




I'll hold onto my discretionary income for actual trips to the game for later
in the season.


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